
  • La Cimbali M39 Dosatron Manual High School
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 28. 19:41
    1. La Cimbali M39 Gt Manual

    Just three random thoughts you've probably already explored:-The restaurant you acquired your M39 from probably had a service contract with someone locally. Perhaps this service contract company could help you, or alternatively send someone over to tutor you in the machines use.-Is there a local LaCimbali rep whom you could contact to help you?-Contact LaCimbali directly, explain your situation and ask them for a printed copy (or PDF, as a backup) of the appropriate M39 manual.

    La Cimbali M39 Gt Manual

    La Cimbali M39 Dosatron Manual High School

    The model and serial number of the machine may help you here, and they may ask for it anyway.I am seriously envious of your machine - If I had the room for one on my counter space an M39 would have been my 'ideal' choice. The use of fresh water and temperature management in this machine is first rate. I am sure you are going to love this machine. @ paradiseroasters: Thank you very very much for your effort!

    Now I can try to see what I can accomplish!@ Al deHyde: I have already written to them, but no response yet. In any case I do not want to spend thousands more on some maintenance contract for something I can do myself. In fact I am very surprised and disappointed that they do not have their user manuals available on their website for this machine. It's simply ridiculous. In any case, I'd like to use and program the machine myself, that is part of the joy of having your own machine!


    It is disappointing to hear that LA CIMBALI customer support is apparently so abysmal. I asked them a fairly simple question about one of their machines (M32), sent a follow up, and never heard from them. I suspect unless you are a megabucks customer you are shunned, even if we own one of their current machines.BTW, I didn't mean to suggest you buy a maintenance contract, but just find out who locally services them (the contracts) and maybe they would help you out for little (or hopefully) nothing. Or a small one-time demo fee, at most, if there were someone willing to do that.It is odd that they do post online user manuals for some of their machines, but for yours, a top-of-the-line model, there is nothing. I looked there too, and could find no M30 manuals, just some specs for various M39 models.I think it amazing that paradiseroasters translated that Russian for you! Very impressive!That should help you a lot.Good luck!

    La cimbali m39 dosatron manual high school peoria il

    Let us know if this gets resolved (one way or the other). It's useful information.

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